1986_ japanese national Railway era March





Rokko Maya and Mizushima Rinkai Revise Fares 3/1


    Rokko Maya Railway revises passenger fares with an average increase of 30%.


Himeji City-operated Himeji Station North Bus Terminal completely renovated 3/1

Onoda Line freight operations discontinued 3/2


    JNR discontinues freight operations between Onoda and Inou on the Onoda Line, which no longer handles freight due to the termination of the Onoda Cement contract


Japan Transport Bureau (JTB) selects 600 participants by lottery for a one-week tour on the Yamanote Line using one Japan National Railways train 3/2

Government submits 5 bills to Diet, including "Japan National Railways Reform Bill" (all 8 bills to be submitted to Diet by March 18) 3/3

3/3 Time Revision


    Yosan Line [new line opened] Mukaihara - Uchiko - Iyo-osu (Uchiko Line [discontinued] Goro - Shintani)

    Keiyo Line tentatively opened between Nishi-Funabashi and Chiba Port. Starting ceremonies, etc., were held at Chiba Port, Shinjuku, and other stations, welcoming Minister of Transportation Mitsuzuka, leaders and presidents of railway lines, etc.

    Saikyo Line service to Shinjuku begins.


    Limited express trains west of Tokyo

    Azusa" between Shinjuku and Matsumoto shortened to 2 hours and 49 minutes.

    Yosan Line limited express and express trains via New Line; "Shiokaze" between Takamatsu and Uwajima: 4 hours 38 minutes (shortened by 11 minutes)

    Hokkaido limited express trains

    Newly establish 3 round trips of "White Aero" from Chitose Airport to Sapporo and Asahikawa (1 hour and 33 min. operation between Sapporo and Asahikawa).

    Day service in major regional metropolitan areas (Sapporo, Sendai, Nagano/Matsumoto, Okayama, Hiroshima, Takamatsu, Matsuyama, etc.) (Sapporo, Sendai, Nagano/Matsumoto, Okayama, Hiroshima, Takamatsu, Matsuyama, etc.) Convert 352 trial trains to regular trains

    1. Convert to CTC between Matsuyama and Uwajima on Yosan Main Line.

    2.Shikoku DG completed the conversion to CTC on this section, which had been under construction at a cost of 3.5 billion yen since 1956, and began using it in conjunction with the opening of the new line.

    Tosa Kitagawa Station on the Tosan Main Line is relocated.

    Shikoku General Bureau moved the station 0.4 km closer to Osugi.

    5. Nishikie Station on the Nippo Main Line opens.

     Kagoshima Railway Administration newly built Kinko Station between Kajiki and Chosa on the same line, and started operation on March 3.

    Higashi Miyakonojo Station on the Nippo Main Line renamed Mimata Station


Alpha Train officially begins operation 3/3


    Alpha Train was a trial train introduced in the March 1985 timetable revision under the name of a daily extra train, and was also indicated as an "Alpha Train" on the timetable.

    Sagami Line: 22 trains that had been operated as trial trains became regular trains due to the revision of the timetable.


Ishikatsu Line [Signal Station Abolished] Onitoge Signal Station 3/3

Fushinuma Line [Manned Station → Unmanned Station] Shintotsukawa Station: Station staff is dispatched from Takikawa Station, and tickets continue to be sold 3/3

A "Logistics Symposium" is held under the auspices of the Yamagata Prefecture Citizens' Conference for Protecting People's Feet. 3/3

Saikyo Line is extended to Shinjuku by boarding the Yamanote Freight Line 3/3

Keiyo Line 1st phase between Nishi Funabashi Station - South Funabashi Station - (Chiba Freight Terminal Station) - Chiba Minato Station opens as a passenger line 3/3


    Starting point changed to Nishi Funabashi Station

    Passenger service begins between Chiba Freight Terminal Station and Chiba Port Station.

    New stations opened: South Funabashi, Shin Narashino, Kaihin Makuhari, Kemigawahama, Inage Kaigan, Chiba Port (current Chiba Minato)


Onoda Line [Discontinues freight operations] 3/3


    Discontinued freight operations between Inoh and Onoda


i Iwaizumi Line: Shigeichi to Iwaizumi line closed (staggered closure) due to Iwate Waiuchi and Asanai stations becoming unmanned 3/3

Kure Line: Wednesday cancellations are introduced for daytime trains. 3/3

Yosan Main Line [Inauguration] between Mukaihara and Uchiko, and between Araya and Iyo-osu 3/3


    Uchiko Line short-circuit route completed along with the Uchiko - Araya route.

    Limited express and express trains change to run via Uchiko.

    Wakamiya Signal Station between Goro and Iyo-osu

    Signal station abolished] Miaki Signal Station, Mukaihara - Takanogawa

    CTC conversion Matsuyama - Iyo-Kaminada, Iyo-Shirataki - Uwajima, Mukaihara - Uchiko, Iyo-Ozu - Shintani


Switch to new line via Otoyo Tunnel (2,067m long) near Tosa-Kitagawa Station on Tosan Main Line 3/3


    Tosa-Kitagawa Station moved onto bridge. Daio Signal Station abolished.


Nippo Main Line [New station opens] Nishikie [Station name changed] Higashi Miyakonojo → Mimata 3/3

Kashima Rinkai Railway timetable revision 3/3

Mizushima Rinkai Railway Sakae Station opens 3/3


    Sakae Station is newly built between Yayoi and Mizushima, and opens for business on the same day


JNR and various unions propose wide-area transfer from Hokkaido and Kyushu to Tokyo and Osaka, with a total size of 3,400 workers 3/4

Japan National Railways insists that the matter be settled through collective bargaining, but the authorities are at odds, saying it is a "normal personnel transfer. The three unions agree to accept the proposal. The authorities say, "Regardless of negotiations, we would like to start on March 20.

Seikan Tunnel rail line is concluded. 3/5


    The upstream track of the Seikan Tunnel, scheduled to open in the spring of 1963, is signed at a point 29,428 km from the exit on the Hokkaido side.


104 Diet session resumes. Socialist Party and Communist Party lawmakers ask questions on Japan National Railways issues at the Lower House Transportation Committee. Also the issue of wide-area transfers. 3/5

FY1985 1239th meeting of the Japan National Railways Audit Committee 3/6


    On the Joint Declaration of Labor and Management


First meeting of persons in charge of promoting employment measures 3/6

The 1240th meeting of the JNR Audit Committee in 1985 3/7


    On bills related to the reform of Japan National Railways


Japanese-style train "Nanohana-go" completed (Chiba Bureau) 3/7

Investigation at JNR workplace with the Sapporo District Headquarters of the Japan National Railway Workers' Party, Socialist Party Diet members, and defense lawyers to uncover illegal activities 3/8

Labor-management relations and human rights violations are pointed out. 8 JNR members at the Tsuchizaki plant filed a lawsuit against the plant manager and others in the Akita District Court, claiming that they were coerced and threatened to be forced to answer questions in a survey on their career paths. March 8

Budget bills (general account, special account, and government budget) passed by the House of Representatives and sent to the House of Councillors. 3/8

Tokyu Corporation introduces new 9000 Series train on the Tokyu Toyoko Line.

General Council of Trade Unions' Japan National Railways Reconstruction Struggle Headquarters collects final 50 million signatures, bringing the total to 35,125,817. 3/10

Kumamoto Prefecture decides to accept 100 Japan National Railways employees 3/10

Keidanren holds briefing on reemployment of Japan National Railways employees for its member companies.


    President Sugiura attends a briefing by Keidanren (Chairman Yoshihiro Inayama) on the issue of rehiring Japan National Railways (JNR) employees and requests the acceptance of 10,000 extra JNR employees.


Merged Japan Telecom with "Kikan Kigyou Kigyou Kaisha" (Japan Telecommunications Company). Transport and Postal ministers agree to merger. The two companies will be unified after the reform. 3/11

LDP's Shinkansen Promotion Committee decides on legislative measures, including the establishment of the "Railway Technical Group" as the main body to construct the Shinkansen. 3/11

General Council of Trade Unions and Japan National Railway Workers' Unions hold daily mass actions against the Japanese National Railways Dismantling Act, including petitions to the Diet, negotiations with various ministries and agencies, and a protest rally in front of the head office.

Approval of changes to the Oigawa Railway Igawa Line route. 3/11

National Tactical Committee of the National Railway Workers' Union (NLW) held a meeting of chairpersons of the National Tactical Committee. Discussions on "wide-area reassignment" and "the ideal form of demands" 3/12

The "Kotsu Shimbun" (transport newspaper) on March 13 reports on the preparation of a "staff management survey" of 250,000 general employees.

JNR authorities say that wide-area transfers are no different from regular transfers. The JNR authorities responded that the wide-area transfers are no different from regular transfers and that they will negotiate if there are specific demands regarding working conditions, but that the JNR's demands are abstract. Douro,  Japan Railway Workers’ Union, and Zenseiro reach an agreement 3/13

Cabinet approves bill on railroad business, bill for enforcement of the Japanese National Railways Reform Act, and bill for partial revision of the Local Tax Act and the Act on Grants and Payments to Municipalities with National Property, etc. 3/14

First anniversary of the Tohoku/Joetsu Shinkansen Line service at Ueno 3/14

Douro,  Japan Railway Workers’ Union, and Zenseiro reach agreement on wide-area transfers 3/14

Chiba Labor Union decides to punish 272 workers, including 8 dismissed, for illegal strike on Feb. 15, and notifies Chiba Labor Union of the decision 3/14

First anniversary of the opening of the Tohoku and Joetsu Shinkansen lines at Ueno 3/14

General Council of Trade Unions' Japan National Railways Reconstruction Struggle Headquarters holds central rally to oppose government bill to dismantle Japan National Railways and protect national railways and employment; 2,400 attend 3/14

Cabinet approves "Railway Business Act" and "Japan National Railways Reform Act and Other Enforcement Bills" 3/14

Mitaka Citizens' Rally Against the Division and Privatization of Japan National Railways held 3/14

General Council of Trade Unions negotiates with the government on the Japanese National Railways issue. The General Council of Trade Unions negotiates with the government on the Japanese National Railways issue, inquiring about employment, labor-management relations, etc. 3/14

Groundbreaking ceremonies for environmental projects around 3 stations 3/16


    Groundbreaking ceremonies were held simultaneously at Nagano, Toyama, and Kanazawa stations, signaling the start of construction of the Hokuriku Shinkansen.


Tosa Kuroshio Railway establishment promoter meeting held 3/16


    A meeting of promoters of the establishment of Tosa Kuroshio Railway, which will operate the Asa and Sukumo lines in a third-sector system, was held to decide on business objectives, articles of incorporation for shares to be issued, and other matters.


Snow damage in Hokkaido 3/17


    A total of 115 passenger trains were cancelled in the Hokkaido region, mainly on the Hakodate Line, due to the disruption of timetables caused by the snowstorm that began on March 16.


146th Central Committee of the National Railway Workers' Union (Nanbu Rosei Kaikan, Shakai Bunka Kaikan) 3/17-3/18


    The "immediate policy" to prevent the enactment of the bill to split and privatize Japan National Railways and to protect jobs is decided. Support for the Socialist Party's "National Railways Reform Bill" also confirmed.


CTC introduced between Fuki Station and Besoike on Meitetsu Chita Shin Line 3/17

Use of train radio on Keihan Electric Railway's Otsu and Sakamoto lines begins 3/17.

At a meeting of the National Railway Workers' Party's expanded Central Committee, the Socialist Party announces that it supports the Socialist Party's "Japan Railway Company Proposal" as it would force the government and Rincho to scrap the bill to dismantle Japan National Railways.

Government submits all bills related to the reform of Japan National Railways to the Diet. 3/18

(Note: The bills were enacted on December 4, 1986)


    The bills submitted are as follows


        Japan National Railways Reform Act (Basic Policy on National Railways Reform)

        Act on Passenger Railways Corporation and Japan Freight Railway Company (regulates the organization and operation of the new companies)

        Act on the Shinkansen Railway Holding Organization (law authorizing the collective ownership of Shinkansen lines)

        Act on the Japan National Railways Liquidation Corporation (Law for the assumption of debts and reemployment of former Japanese National Railways employees)

        Act on Special Measures Concerning Reemployment of Japan National Railways Employees who Wish to Retire and Employees of Japan National Railways Liquidation Corporation (Act on retirement and reemployment of employees, but limited time legislation until April 1990)

        Railroad Business Act (Act to unify Japan National Railways and private railways)

        Law for Enforcement of the Japanese National Railways Reform Act, etc.

        Act on Special Measures to be urgently taken in FY 1986 to improve the management of business operated by Japan National Railways (only this law was enacted on May 30, 1986)

        Law for Partial Revision of the Local Tax Law and the Law Concerning Grants and Payments to Municipalities Where National Assets, etc. Are Located


Conciliation by the Public Labor Relations Commission over reassignment agreements fails 3/18

Logistics industry decides to accept 6,700 JNR employees 3/18


    Trucking, freight forwarding, and warehousing industries, including 52 member companies of the All Japan Trucking Association, decided to accept a total of 6,700 Japan National Railways (JNR) employees from FY 1986.


Claim for compensation filed against Chiba Dobo 3/18 Related←s60/5


    JNR files a lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court demanding 38.5 million yen in damages for an illegal strike by Chiba Labor on November 28.


Meitetsu Chita New Line [Signal Station Installation] Bessoike Signal Station 3/18

Some rapid express trains and sectional rapid express trains between Kintetsu Uehonmachi and Nabari begin 10-car operation 3/18

Ogaki Station Building opens 3/19


    Ogaki Station Building "Apio" opens, the second station building within the jurisdiction of the Meitetsu Bureau.


National Railway Workers' Party (NLW) negotiates with the authorities all night long over the "wide-area relocation" plan. On March 20, the authorities unilaterally implemented the plan.

National Railway Workers' Union (NLW) instructs the authorities on the "wide-area reassignment," including thorough monitoring of the plan.

Launch of "Nice Midi Bus" and start of "Tokyo On Stage" campaign 3/20

Japan National Railways Authorities Begin Recruitment for Wide-Area Transfers 3/20


    Starts recruiting for wide-area transfers, targeting 3,400 workers in Kyushu and Hokkaido.

    →Labor Movement in the Public Enterprises Report


Former Type 80 trains (Kuha 86 and Moha 80) are preserved at the Kotsu Kagakukan (now the Kotsu Kagaku Museum)

 This train preserved in the "Kyoto Railway Museum

Meitetsu timetable revision 3/21


    Nagoya Railroad revises timetable for all lines to accommodate additional Series 6500 trains


Heavy spring snow disrupts timetables of Tokyo metropolitan area lines 3/23


    Spring snowfall in the Kanto region disrupted the timetables of Japan National Railways and other lines, and the Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen also suspended trains for the first time in 754 days, delaying 180 trains for up to 8 hours and 41 minutes, affecting a total of 2.5 million passengers.


Futamata Line Third Sector Conversion Officially Decided 3/24


    The Futamata Line Council decides to convert the line to a regional railroad using the third-sector system, following the Aniai and Echigo-South lines, as a secondary line of a specific regional transportation line.


Odakyu Electric Railway timetable revised 3/24

Tokyo Conference Against the Split-Up and Privatization of Japan National Railways holds a rally with 10,000 people. 3/25

Japan National Railways' "wide-area reassignment" becomes an issue in the Diet (at the Budget Committee on March 21 and the Labor Relations Committee on March 25) 3/25

Shizuoka Railway Shizuoka Shimizu Line [new station opens in front of the Prefectural Museum of Art] 3/25

SANKI RAILWAY [Station name change/relocation] Oida→Oyasu. Ugakeiguchi→Misato 3/25

Construction begins on rerouting of Oigawa Railway's Igawa Line 3/25


    Construction begins on a 4.8 km section of the Igawa Line between Kawane Ichishiro and Kawane Nagashima that will be submerged by the construction of the Nagashima Dam, as planned by the Ministry of Construction (now the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).


Shizuoka Railway Shizuoka Shimizu Line [new station opened] in front of the Prefectural Museum of Art 3/25

Supreme Court reverses and sends back Osaka High Court ruling that JNR was not responsible for accident in which visually impaired worker fell from platform 3/25

National Railway Workers' Party (NLW) shows the reality of "wide-area reassignment" and negotiates with the authorities. The attitude of the authorities remains unchanged, and the JNR files for conciliation (April 1) 3/26

Settlement of Nagoya Shinkansen Pollution Lawsuit 3/26 ←Related


    JNR and plaintiffs in the lawsuit, which has been disputed since March 1974, reach an agreement on settlement negotiations (500 million yen in compensation).


Central protest against the unilateral implementation of "wide-area reassignment" by the National Railway Workers' Union (NLW) and the authorities. Actions to request National Congress members, a general rally, and a national exchange rally were also held. 6300 people attended 3/27-3/28.

About 100 participants in the International Conference on Undersea Tunnels visit the Seikan Tunnel. 3/27

National Railway Workers' Union submits a written request to stop the preparation of the "Staff Management Record" 3/27

Shihoro Line bus conversion decided 3/27


    The second target line's council decides to convert the line to a regional railroad using the third-sector system.


Kintetsu Yoro Line [new station opens] in Kita-Kobe 3/27

Kansai Economic Federation and five other economic organizations in Osaka hold a briefing session on employment issues for Japan National Railways (JNR) employees.

Supreme Court ruling on the Shinkansen operating kilometer case 3/28←Related


    The Supreme Court ruled to dismiss the plaintiffs' appeal in the case, which had been disputed since March 1975.


Joint funeral" for Ichihara National Mutual Aid Managing Director (National Labor Relations Hall) 3/28

The 4th meeting of the countermeasures council for the Aizu Line of the 2nd Specified Land Line decides to convert the line to a third-sector railroad. 3/29

The 1241st meeting of the Japan National Railways Audit Committee in 1985 3/31


        Results of the 1985 fiscal year audit

        Focus of the fiscal 1985 audit


Association for Protecting Residents' Footsteps in Tottori and Shimane Prefectures jointly submit a request to the Yonago Railway Bureau for "Residents' Demands to Improve Safety and Convenience of Japan National Railways" 3/31

Amagi Line between Motoiyama and Amagi discontinued 3/31

Takamori Line Tachino - Takamori route discontinued 3/31

Urushio Line [Abolished] All lines (-7.9km) (actually 6.2km between Shimogamoo and Kaho Signal Station) Bus conversion 3/31

JNR enters the bicycle rental business 3/31


    Tokyo North Bureau launches a membership rental business originating from Japan National Railways at Higashi Jujo Station.


The Kokura Branch of the Fukuoka District Court grants a provisional disposition for "preservation of status and claim for wages" to Kenji Handa, a member of the Japan National Railway Workers' Union, in response to his dismissal from the union on disciplinary grounds. Handa was dismissed from his position at the Nogata Diesel Railcar Division on February 14, 1984, after being falsely accused by the authorities. 3/31

Application for extension of the completion date of the Momokadai New Transit Momokadai Line approved. 3/.

Fukuoka City Subway Nanakuma Line: "Southwest Public Transportation Facilities" proposed in the 2nd Northern Kyushu Region Person Trip Study 3/

 国鉄があった時代 昭和61年前半



1986_ japanese national Railway era July

1986_ japanese national Railway era August