1986_ japanese national Railway era June


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Recruitment exams for Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Fire Department held at 8 locations nationwide to accept JNR employees (6.6 times higher than general applicants, 1.5 times higher than firefighters) 6/1

MOTO Train" tickets go on sale. 6/1

Two air-conditioned Kiha 40/47 Series cars, modified to prevent ash fall, begin service on Ibusuki-makurazaki Line. 6/1

JNR Card membership recruitment expanded to all areas of Japan 6/1

Construction begins on the Toei Subway Oedo Line between Mitsugaoka and Nerima.

All lines of Hokuriku Railway Komatsu Line discontinued 6/1

Kintetsu Minami-Osaka Line begins commercial operation of Series 6400, the first VVVF inverter-controlled car on the Minami-Osaka Line 6/1

1249th Audit Committee of Japan National Railways for FY 1986 6/2


        Analysis of Passenger Transport Volume and Passenger Revenue

        Outline and results of transportation improvement in FY1985

        Concept of transportation improvement in FY 1986

        Optimization of Wave Transportation

        Revision of freight rates

        Results of sales activities and future measures to increase revenues

        Improvement of front desk services

        Matters to be considered and the status of organization in connection with the transition to a new entity


Aomori and Iwate Prefectures to accept 150 and 130 JNR employees, respectively 6/2

JNR to Continue to Suspend Recruitment of University Graduates Next Spring 6/2


    JNR announces that it will stop hiring new university graduates for the next fiscal year, following this year's hiring.


105th Extraordinary Diet session convened; 8 bills related to Japan National Railways reforms are rejected due to dissolution of the House of Representatives 6/2

Japan Labor Relations Commission presents arbitration award to both labor and management on base increase in FY1961 for 1Kosha and 4Genkyo (JNR: 9372 yen including fixed salary increase) 6/2

1250th meeting of the Japan National Railways Audit Committee for FY 1986 6/3


        Current status of measures for specific local traffic lines and efforts to address them

        Future measures to be taken on specific local traffic lines

        Measures for Low Traffic Density Lines


Report on Osaka City Line No. 7 (now Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line) Patent 6/3


    The Council of Transportation Affairs reports that a patent is appropriate for the 5.2-km track project between Kyobashi and Tsurumi-ryokuchi on Subway Line No. 7, which the Osaka Municipal Transportation Bureau had applied for with a scheduled start-up date of April 1965.


FY1985 1251st Japan National Railways Audit Committee meeting 6/4


        Summary of Freight Business in FY 1986 (Preliminary Report)

        Transportation Results by Major Trains

        Freight Traffic Results (April, 1986)

        Opinions on the Reform of Japan National Railways" concerning freight

        New Freight Railroad Company" (Ministry of Transport, Dec. 1960)

        Outline of the November 1961 timetable revision

        Promotion of business efficiency, etc.


Issuance of the third round of wide-area transfers at the Hokkaido, Kyushu, Tohoku, and other general and administrative bureaus (6/4)

New wage arbitration committee of the Public Enterprises Labor Relations Commission issues arbitration award to both labor and management regarding base increase in FY61 (fixed salary increase of 9,372 yen) 6/4

Assistant director of Nagoya Works dismissed on disciplinary grounds.


    JNR dismisses as disciplinary action an assistant director of the Nagoya Works Office, Morito Zhangyama, who received 370,000 yen in cash from Nagoya Tsushin Kogyo in connection with a bribery case at the Tokyo Electric Works Bureau.


FY 1986 1252nd Japan National Railways Audit Committee meeting 6/5


        Labor-management relations

        Workplace discipline

        On workplace management audit

        Rationalization and redundancy

        Salary and wages


        Welfare and insurance


Proposal to each union regarding "handling of employees who wish to retire after receiving special benefit payments (voluntary retirement)" 6/5

Ministry of Transport approves JNR's application to abolish the 3rd round of specified land lines, Okada, Noto, and Nakamura (FY62) and the desired date to begin discussions (July 1). 6/5

Tochigi Prefecture decides to accept 120 JNR employees. 6/5

Third PR campaign for JNR reform, "Running with safety on board 365 days a year" leaflet distributed nationwide. leaflet distributed nationwide 6/5

Voluntary Retirement Call Proposed to Unions 6/5


    Following the enactment of the Emergency Measures Law by the Diet, JNR proposes to the unions concerned the recruitment guidelines, including a target of 20,000 employees to be recruited starting on June 30.


Decision made to convert the Miyanojo Line to bus service 6/5


    The Miyanojo Line task force decided to abolish the railroad and convert to buses, becoming the second second secondary line in Kyushu after the Urushio Line.


FY 1986 1253rd Japan National Railways Audit Committee meeting 6/6


        Measures and Trends in Cost Reduction

        Acceleration of the settlement of accounts schedule

        Approaches to capital investment

        Commuting measures in metropolitan areas


        Investment results by project and major construction projects in FY1985

        Regarding the increase in the amount of mutual aid pension contributions and the finances of Japan National Railways (JNR)


        Current status of external financing

        Current status of the system for streamlining operations

        Status of problems and consolidation associated with the transition to a new entity

        Measures to deal with excess personnelTimes heldDate Agenda


Formation of "Aoi Kai," an association of on-site managers at Nagoya Bureau 6/7

Bonus assessment system was concluded with the National Railway Workers' Union (NLW) 6/7

Shoshikai, an association for the promotion of Japan National Railways among general non-current employees below section chief at Hiroshima Station, is formed. 6/9

6/9 Meeting between Hiroshi Mitsuzuka, Minister of Transport, and executives of the four unions to discuss the Declaration of Labor-Management Cooperation 6/10


Fourth round of wide-area transfers issued at the Hokkaido, Kyushu, Tohoku, and other general and administrative bureaus 6/10


    Minister of Transport requests that the four unions form a unified council to address reform issues

The "Association to Promote Reform of Japan National Railways' Three Bureau Offices in Tokyo" was inaugurated to unite the on-site managers of the three Tokyo bureaus and make all-out efforts to reform Japan National Railways.

The "Flying Association," an association of managers at the Omiya Works, held its inaugural meeting on June 10.

Association of Managers of the Shinkansen General Bureau's Hakata General Rolling Stock Division "Association for a New Railway" formed. 6/10

FY 1986 1254th meeting of the Audit Committee of Japan National Railways 6/11


    Draft audit report for FY1985


Keisokai, an association of on-site managers of Nagoya Bureau, established 6/11

National Conference of Inspectors held 6/10

Niigata Iron Works exports mail cars to the Soviet Union 6/11


    Niigata Iron Works exports 5 stainless steel mail cars to the Soviet Union's South Sakhalin Railway, for which it received an order last October, from Niigata Port.


Girders erected on the Iwakurojima Bridge of the Honshihon Yatsuka Bridge 6/11


    Girder Installation Work Completed on Iwakurojima Bridge, the World's Largest Railroad Swash Bridge with Steel Girders Suspended from the Main Tower 6/11


Kintetsu Higashi Osaka Line (10,2 km between Ikoma and Nagata) begins trial operation (scheduled to open on October 1) 6/12

Trial operation begins on the Kintetsu Higashi Osaka Line, scheduled to open on October 1. 6/12

FY 1986 1255th meeting of Japan National Railways Audit Committee 6/13


    Settlement of accounts for FY1985


Kyushu Electric Power announces acceptance of 160 JNR employees 6/13

4 new 12-car trains of Series 100 Shinkansen mass-produced cars are built for the Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen, and begin commercial operation starting with "Kodama" No. 404 6/13


Outline of JNR labor union organization announced. 6/13


    The Japan National Railways Staff Bureau announces an overview of the labor union organization as of June 1, including a decrease of 4,400 JNR members in two months and an increase in the number of members in other unions.


Ministry of Transport Announces Personnel Changes of Senior Officials 6/14


    Ministry of Transport issues major personnel changes to 109 executives to take on the challenge of implementing reforms to Japan National Railways (JNR).


Public viewing at Akita Operation District; temporary train with 4 sets of Series 485s operates between Akita and Akita 6/15

JNR Announces FY60 Financial Outlook 6/16


    JNR announces financial forecast for FY1960, saying that despite growth in passenger revenue, the company expects to record a record deficit of 1.85 trillion yen due to an increase in retirement allowance payments, etc.


Nishitetsu Kitakyushu Line begins introduction of air-conditioned cars 6/16

Agreement reached with four unions (National Railway Motive Power Workers’ Union, Tetsuro, Zenseiro, and Shinkokuro) on handling of voluntary retirement as proposed. 6/17

Izukyu 2100 Series "Resort 21" trains run on Tokyu Denentoshi Line to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Tokyu Denentoshi Line. 6/18

Reached an agreement with the National Railway Workers' Union on the handling of voluntary retirement as proposed. 6/19

MOTO" train test runs between Ueno and Hakodate using the same "Hakkoda" train as in commercial operation (operated from July 18 to August 23; 71% reservation rate) 6/19

Bike Train (Osaka-Nagano) begins operation with a Mani 44 coupled to the "Chikuma 1 & 2". 6/20

Yamagata Prefecture announces acceptance of 90 JNR employees 6/23

JNR Vocational Counseling Office opens 6/23


    Japan National Railways (JNR) opens 88 job consultation offices across the country to provide reemployment assistance in preparation for the voluntary retirement of JNR employees starting on June 30.


Osaka Loop Line temporarily suspended due to unexploded ordnance disposal 6/23


    6/23A total of 42 trains on the Osaka Loop Line were suspended between 10:52 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. due to the disposal of unexploded ordnance at a building construction site in Higashi-ku, Osaka City, affecting 24,000 passengers.


Tohoku Shinkansen celebrates 4th anniversary of its opening. 6/23

Ishikawa Prefecture announced that it would accept about 100 Japan National Railways (JNR) employees (including those from the third sector). 6/24

Compromise reached with various unions on summer allowance payments (1.82 months) 6/24

The bureau announces the establishment of a human resources utilization center. 6/24

Decision made to replace 15-car rapid trains on Joban Line. 6/24

 JNR Joban Line 103style



    JNR decides to increase Joban Line rapid trains between Ueno and Toride to 15 cars from spring 1988



Earthquake Disrupts Lines 6/24


    The earthquake that occurred around 11:53 a.m. in the Kanto region disrupts all lines in the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Shinkansen lines, especially the Tokaido Shinkansen, causing delays throughout the day.


JNR's Shikoku Directorate General decides to operate a hovercraft between Takamatsu and Okayama/Kyobashi on a trial basis (July 1) 6/25

Results of public opinion poll on JNR reform announced. 6/26


    JNR announces results of "Public Opinion Poll on JNR Reform," conducted from June 9 to 18 by a private-sector research organization covering all of Japan except Okinawa.

    According to the survey, the public opinion on the need for Japan National Railways reform is not high. According to the results, the majority of respondents (72.6%) answered that reform of Japan National Railways is "necessary," while 43.8% were in favor of both privatization and division, and only 11.6% were opposed, indicating that the direction of reform through privatization and division is greatly supported.


A new union, the "Shizuoka Railway Industry Council," was formed at the Shizuoka Bureau, led by non-manual employees.

Lawyers' survey team on the state of Japan National Railways' workplaces releases report calling the situation "abnormal and serious.

First Japan National Railways Reform Forum held in Tokyo under the auspices of the "Society for Building the Japan National Railways of Tomorrow.

Tohoku Shinkansen reaches 100 million passengers. 6/27


    The Tohoku Shinkansen, which just celebrated its 4th anniversary since its opening on June 23, 1982, transported 100 million passengers earlier than initially expected.


Series 485 trains are sent back in preparation for the November 1961 time revision. 6/27


    4 Series 485 trains are sent to Fukuchiyama from Hineno for various tests, etc., in preparation for Fukuchiyama Line electrification.


4-car train of Series 485 is sent to Fukuchiyama from Hineno.

Open to the public at Chuo Railway Academy 6/28

New temporary boarding area on the Tatsunuma Line between Shinkotoni and Shinoro 6/28

Young non-manual employees hold "Gathering of Employees for Reform of Japan National Railways" 6/29


    Volunteer employees (Tokyo area) who are working enthusiastically toward reform of Japan National Railways at their respective workplaces gathered at Hibiya Public Hall to reaffirm their roles and raise awareness. Participating organizations included groups of on-site managers from the Chiba, Tokyo North, South, and West Bureau, Shinkansen General Bureau, Omiya Works, and East Power Supply Administration Bureau; groups from cross-sectional organizations such as "Vigorous New Company Building Association," "Newborn Railway Building Association," "Yurinkai Yushi," "Rokuwakai Yushi," and "Kenkyukai Yushi"; the Japan National Railways Rugby Football Union; and the Japan National Railways Hardball Team. Japan National Railways Rugby Football League, Japan National Railways Hardball Club, East Nippon Railway Baseball Club, and other sports clubs. In addition, the Tekuro, Kinro, Zensei-Ro, and Shinkoku-Ro, which have signed a joint labor-management declaration, participated as supporting unions. The conference was held in Tokyo with approximately 2,300 participants. Declaration on the Promotion of the Division and Privatization of Japan National Railways (JNR)


FY 1986 1256th JNR Audit Committee meeting held on June 30.


    Draft audit report for FY1985

Marumori Line transportation operation terminated 6/30


JNR verbally notifies JNR of freeze on discussion meetings on management and employment issues 6/30


    JNR's letter to ILO Director-General distorts facts; authorities demand correction, apology, etc., but JNR refuses to comply → ILO letter issued 5/30


Japan National Railways begins accepting applications for voluntary retirement 6/30


    In response to the Emergency Measures Law passed as the first step of JNR reform, JNR began accepting applications for voluntary retirement at various organizations nationwide - until 9/30.


JNR Hotel Group "Hotel Edmont" celebrates 1st anniversary of its opening 6/30

Niigata Railway Management Bureau's "Moonlight-go" begins operation 6/30


    In order to compete with Kanetsu Express buses, Niigata Railway Management Bureau begins operation of the "Moonlight-go" night train between Niigata and Shinjuku, using three 14 series passenger cars, for 4,500 yen each way, 500 yen cheaper than buses, scheduled to run until July 21.


Toei Subway Oedo Line line line color "magenta" decided 6/30

The Horikawa Bridge on the Kumamoto Electric Railway Kikuchi Line is washed away, disrupting service between Horikawa and Miyoshi. 6/30 → Restored on December 20 of the same year.



1986_ japanese national Railway era July

1986_ japanese national Railway era August

1986_ japanese national Railway era March