1986_ japanese national Railway era May




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First batch of employees transferred to Hokkaido and Kyushu bureaus (281 employees from Hokkaido General Bureau and 65 employees from Kyushu General Bureau) 5/1

  First batch of employees transferred from Hokkaido, Kyushu, etc. to Tokyo 3 bureaus and the Greater Tokyo Bureau due to Japan National Railways reforms

         Meitetsu Bureau establishes a large number of non-smoking cars 5/1

 Nagoya Railway Management Bureau has installed a large number of non-smoking cars on regular trains within its jurisdiction; from May 6, all trains except for the Ise Line are non-smoking.

         Asa Line Tosa Kuroshio Railway established 5/1

         Report to the Ministry of Transport on future noise measures for the Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen lines 5/2

 JNR reports to the Ministry of Transport that it will reduce the noise level of the Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen lines to less than 75phones within 5 years in densely populated residential areas, among other noise measures.

 Sagami Line Fureai Festival" held at Atsugi Station 5/3-5/4

 House of Representatives passes "Emergency Measures Bill for the Improvement of Japan National Railways' Management" at plenary session and sends it to the House of Councillors. 5/6

 Tokyo Metropolitan Government holds Japan National Railways' re-employment fair 5/6

 Labor Relations Commission of Public Enterprises Resolves to Transfer New Wage Conciliation Cases to Arbitration 5/6

 Passenger business results for the 10-day Golden Week holiday period are announced (quiet passenger train traffic in major cities up 95.9% y/y; revenue up 107.9% y/y) 5/6

        Firecrackers set off in subway and national railways 5/6

 Firecrackers and smoke bombs were set off at 17 locations around the Tokyo Summit venue, including Yotsuya Station of Japan National Railways (JNR) and Akebonobashi Station of Toei JNR, disrupting schedules and inconveniencing 42,000 people.

 Letter from a Douro member to the headquarters of the National Railway Workers Union (NRWU). Douro is no longer a labor union." 5/6

 General meeting of the Public Labor Relations Commission resolves to move to arbitration regarding wage increases at public enterprises, etc. 5/6

 National Railway Workers' Union files a petition for relief with the KLAC for unfair labor practice (discrimination between unions in examinations) in the Shinkansen workplace. 5/6

 Explanation and questioning of the purpose of the "Emergency Measures Bill for the Improvement of the Management of Japan National Railways" at a plenary session of the House of Councillors 5/7

 The 1244th meeting of the Audit Committee of Japan National Railways in 1986 5/8

Audit of the vault and witnessing of the wholesale of oil refinery (Kawasaki Power Station)

 Explanation of the purpose of the "Bill for Emergency Measures for Improving the Management of Japan National Railways" at the House of Councillors Transportation Committee 5/8

 Representatives of the Japan National Railway Workers' Party appealed for support for the Japan National Railway Workers' Party at the Transport Inter (Vienna) 5/8

 Socialist Party holds appeal rally on Japan National Railways restructuring policy 5/8

 Establishment of Tosa Kuroshio Railway Co.

   Explanation of the purpose of the Japanese National Railways Bill at a plenary session of the House of Representatives 5/9

     The purpose of seven bills related to the reorganization of Japan National Railways under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport were explained and questioned at a plenary session of the House of Representatives, during which Minister Mitsuzuka Unawa stressed that "privatization of Japan National Railways is the best way forward.

 Mr. Shimazaki, Chairman of the Socialist Party's Policy Board, explained the purpose of the Socialist Party's bills. 5/9

 Deadline for applications for wide-area transfers (Round l) closed; 3,515 applicants, exceeding the target of 3,400 5/9

 A meeting was held at the head office to encourage those who were transferred to the Tokyo area on May 1. 5/9

 In addition to the 304 transferees, the president and other executives, as well as representatives from the Douro, Tekuro, and Zensei Rou unions, attended the meeting. At the meeting, the President said, "As I promised, I want to fulfill your hopes for the future as much as possible, so I expect you to express your hopes to your superiors without hesitation. The direction of the JNR reform is set. I hope that you will apply your enthusiasm for your courageous decision to your daily transportation work, deepen your understanding of the reform, and fulfill your roles as corporate citizens. He also encouraged the company's employees to take on their roles as corporate citizens.


        First 100 Series Shinkansen train in operation 5/10


Symposium on "The Japanese National Railways Demerger and Privatization Bill and Workers' Rights" was held in Kyoto by labor law scholars and lawyers. Statement issued. 5/10

Statement by Labor Law Researchers Against Infringements on Workers' Rights by the Japanese National Railways Reform Bill, etc." released.


Minister of Labor and President of the Central Council for Employment Measures (composed of Nikkeiren, Keidanren, etc.) requests acceptance of JNR employees. 5/12

At the request of the Ministry of Labor, the Central Employment Countermeasures Council took up "acceptance of Japanese National Railways (JNR) employees into private industry" as an agenda item, and the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Labor, and the President of the Council each made a request for acceptance of JNR employees from their respective standpoints. The Council decided on the following arrangement: "Regarding the acceptance of Japanese National Railways (JNR) employees into industry, industry is facing a difficult environment, but we will actively cooperate to the maximum extent from our respective standpoints. The meeting decided on the following arrangement

 Authorities and Japan National Railway Workers' Party (JNR) agreed to establish a round-table conference on management issues, etc. 5/12

 The fourth PR poster for Japan National Railways reform is posted nationwide: "Courage for the future refines the diamond. 5/12

       Approval granted to Aburikyu Express 5/12 →Related

        Tohoku District Transport Bureau approves lease and transfer of Marumori Line facilities applied for by Abukuma Express, which aims to open on July 1.

 Explanation and questioning of the purpose of the "Bill to Partially Amend the Local Tax Law and the Law Concerning Grants and Payments to Municipalities with National Assets" (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Home Affairs) at a plenary session of the House of Representatives 5/13

 Tokyo Congress Against the Partition and Privatization of Japan National Railways and the Kanagawa Congress held a rally to demand that the bill to break up Japan National Railways be scrapped. 13,000 people attended the rally.

 ITF, British National Union and Doyo hand a letter of protest to the Japanese Embassy urging them to "reconsider the dismantling of Japan National Railways" 5/13

 Preparatory Committee for the National Liaison Group Against the Split-Up and Privatization of Japan National Railways (tentative name) established 5/13

 Osaka Municipal Subway Chuo Line completes conversion of all trains to six-car formation 5/13

 Roundtable meeting on JNR safety issues held 5/14

JNR holds the first meeting of the Safety Issues Conference to exchange opinions on safety issues jointly with Douro, Tekuro, Zenseiro, and the four Shinkoku-ro unions.

Oral arguments were held at the 39th session of the 20.2 billion yen CALI case. The authorities stated, "The plaintiffs' side would like to finish proving the amount of damages with three witnesses.

 May 14 "Central Rally Against the Forced Adoption of the Bill for the Dismantling of Japan National Railways" (organized by the General Council of Trade Unions and the National Railway Reconstruction Struggle Headquarters) held at Meiji Park on 5/14.

         Dowa Mining Katakami Railway Line fares revised 5/15                              

Dowa Mining Katakami Railway Office implemented a passenger fare revision approved by the Chugoku District Transport Bureau on May 7, which raised fares by an average of 15.1%.

 Regenerative current absorption equipment installed and put into use at Ishiyamadera side of Hamaotsu Station on Keihan Ishiyamazaka Honsen Line (regenerative current is converted to AC using an inverter and used for lighting and other purposes at Hamaotsu station after being transformed) 5/16

 The Tokyo West Bureau formed an association of on-site managers, "Mirai wo Kiraku Kai" (Open the Future Association). 5/17

 Public opinion survey on the Japanese National Railways issue commissioned by the National Railway Workers' Union to a private research organization: 16% support the split and privatization, 56% "Partial revision," 24% "Consideration of alternative plan," etc. 5/18

 Miyazaki Prefecture decides to hire 70 JNR employees 5/19

         Diesel Train Speed Improvement Tests 5/19

     JNR conducts a 6-day test of regular diesel trains passing through a curve between Nishi-Kagoshima and Ibusuki on the Ibusuki-makurazaki Line at 10 to 15 km/h above normal speed for preparation for the speed increase in the November revision of the train schedule.

        Udaka hover long-haul flight cancelled 5/20

Shikoku Directorate General decides to cancel long-duration hovercraft service between Uno and Takamatsu until May 31 after the first flight up to Takamatsu broke down.

 Spring Conferment Ceremony of the Spring Decoration of Honor (Order of the Sacred Treasure, 3rd class or lower) to the recipients related to transportation 5/20

 Emergency Bill for Improving the Management of Japan National Railways (abbreviated name) passed by the House of Councillors Transportation Committee.

 The 1245th Audit Committee of Japan National Railways in 1986 5/21

Status of Improvement of Workplace Management

Concerning efficiency improvement of operation-related business management

Current status and future promotion plan of the operational efficiency improvement system

Measures for excess personnel

Status of implementation of education and training

Status of promotion of cost reduction measures

Outline and results of transportation improvement in fiscal 1985

Concept of transportation improvement in FY 1986

About the optimization of wave transport

Future commuter transport measures in metropolitan areas

About the future of rolling stock

Operating Conditions and Accidents in FY1985

Overview of major accidents, their causes and countermeasures

Status of driving accidents in recent years

Measures to prevent accidents in fiscal 1986

Future investment in equipment and facilities

Measures to prevent snow damage to the Tokaido Shinkansen

Regarding the opening of the public corporation construction line

Matters to be examined in connection with the transition to a new business entity

         Act on Special Measures to be urgently taken in fiscal 1986 to improve the management of business operated by Japan National Railways" enacted 5/21

       The law, which includes provisions for extra benefits for voluntary retirees, is the first bill related to Japan National Railways reform to be passed and enacted at a plenary session of the House of Councillors.

                             Explanation of reasons for proposal of "Japan National Railways Reform Bill" and other illegal bills related to JNR reform (7 bills under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport) at the House of Representatives Transportation Committee 5/21

                  Japan National Railways "Voluntary Retirement Bill" approved.

Explanation of reasons for proposing bills related to local taxes at House of Representatives Local Administration Committee meeting 5/21

Resolution passed to continue examination of bills related to Japan National Railways reform. 5/22

Resolution to continue examination of seven bills related to the reform of Japan National Railways under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport at the plenary session of the House of Representatives so that they can be deliberated during the closed session for early passage.

               Noiwa Railway Aizu Line Kinugawa Line track signing ceremony 5/22                               

     Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation held a ceremony to mark the opening of the Noiwa Railway Aizu Kinugawa Line in October.

  Aomori Station Building "Lavina," under construction since May of last year, opens for business. 5/23

                             JNR Alumni Association's 20th National Convention held 5/23

 The Society of Friends of Railroads decides that the 61st Pulleipon Award will go to the Izukyu Series 2100, and the Laurel Award to the JNR Shinkansen Series 100 and Nankai Series 10000 5/23

         Sotobo Line near Hon-Chiba is elevated 5/26

The 1.9 km elevated line near Hon-Chiba Station on the Sotobo Line, which had been under construction since December 1955, is now complete. Started using the line late yesterday night after switchover work.

 Formation ceremony of Shinseikai, an association of on-site managers of the Tokyo North Bureau, held 5/26

 Memorial service for those who died in the line of duty in 1986 at Tsukiji Hon'inji Temple 5/26

 FY 1986 1246th meeting of Japan National Railways Audit Committee 5/27

Current status of related businesses

System and level of premises operating charges, loan charges, etc.

Current status of invested companies

Concepts and methods of promoting related businesses in the future

 JNR authorities propose changes in "year-end allowance payment method" (introduction of assessment) to unions 5/27

 Cabinet approves "Order for Enforcement of the Act on Emergency Measures for the Improvement of Management of Japan National Railways" 5/27

         Okada, Noto, and Nakamura 3 Lines Approved 5/27

The Ministry of Transport approves the Okata, Noto, and Nakamura lines, which JNR has agreed to continue under the third-sector system, separately from the other 12 lines that JNR has applied to have selected for selection.

         JNR introduces bonus assessment system 5/27

JNR proposes to each union to introduce an assessment system for summer and winter ponuses to revitalize business operations.

        NTT accepts 1,200 JNR employees 5/27                                 

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone signs a memorandum of understanding to hire 1,200 surplus JNR employees in a lump sum in August.

 Minister of Transport approves Nakamura Line as the third specific local transportation line to be abolished. 5/27

Shin-Annaka Station added to Hokuriku Shinkansen Line 5/28

    Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation decides to add Shin-Annaka (tentative name) station to the Hokuriku Shinkansen line at the request of local residents, according to which a draft environmental impact assessment report on the route change is sent to Gunma Prefecture


        The 3rd meeting of the countermeasures council for JNR's Futamata Line on the 2nd Specified Land Crossing Line officially decides to convert the line to a third-sector railroad (scheduled to begin operations on Mar. 15, 1962) 5/28

     Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation decides to establish a new station, Shin-Annaka Station (tentative name), on the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line 5/28

 The 1247th meeting of the Japan National Railways Audit Committee for FY1985 5/29

 Actual condition of assets

Future utilization and disposal of assets

 Authorities conclude bonus assessment system with Douro,  Japan Railway Workers’ Union, Zenseiro, and Shinkoku-ro (to be implemented from this summer) 5/29

 The 147th meeting of the Central Committee of the National Railway Workers' Union (Social Culture Hall). Decided on the "immediate policy of struggle," focusing on stopping the "division and privatization" of Japan National Railways, securing employment, and the forthcoming election struggle. The union unanimously agreed to make every effort to win the election on the same day for the time being.

         Third sector system introduced for the Etsumi South Line. 5/29

At the 3rd meeting of the 2nd Jikkou Line Council, it is decided that the line will be transferred to a new company, Nagaragawa Railway, scheduled to be established in September, starting in December.

 The 1248th Audit Committee of Japan National Railways in FY 1986 5/30                           

 On the developments surrounding the reform of Japan National Railways

Progress of the project team's study

Status of implementation of the "Management Improvement Plan

Outlook for the management of passenger railroad companies

Future capital investment

Promulgation and enforcement of the "Act on Emergency Measures for Management Improvement of Japan National Railways" and "Order for Enforcement of the Act" 5/30

 Briefing sessions on job placement for IRS and NTT held at four bureaus in the Tokyo metropolitan area (Tokyo Sanbureau and Chiba Bureau) 5/30

 70 workers given warnings and 29,000 workers given admonitions for wearing patches during the spring labor offensive 5/30

 Applied to the Minister of Transport for approval of a management improvement plan setting forth the scheduled date of discontinuance of the three previously approved Tertiary Specified Local Transportation Lines (Okada, Noto, and Nakamura Lines) and the desired date for the start of meetings. 5/30

 Letter jointly signed by the chairpersons of the National Railway Workers' Party Executive Committee and the General Council of Trade Unions to the Director-General of the ILO was issued on May 30.

A letter was sent to the Director-General of the ILO under the joint names of the President of the Executive Committee of the National Workers' Party of Japan and the President of the General Council of Trade Unions. The main contents of the letter are as follows

1.         The bill submitted to the National Diet in March of this year concerning the reform of Japan National Railways was not subjected to collective bargaining between labor and management.

2.         The employment relationship of employees who are transferred to the liquidation corporation will end with the corporation.

3.         There is a strong possibility of discrimination on the basis of union affiliation.

4.         The company has refused to re-sign the employment security agreement with the National Railway Workers' Union.

5.         JNR's request for collective bargaining has been ignored and the KLRC is not functioning.

6.         JNR workers are legally forced to accept disadvantageous changes in working conditions, etc.

7.         Disciplinary actions are taken against workers for organizing strikes and for union activities during working hours.

8.         Suspension from the crew for writing a letter to the newspaper.

9.         In the past 1 year and 6 months, 61 suicides have occurred due to the authorities' persistent encouragement of resignation, etc. These facts are considered a disregard for humanity and a violation of the Convention, which guarantees basic workers' rights.

Authorities notified of freeze on round-table talks 6/30

         Chizu Railway established 5/30

General meeting held in Tottori City for the establishment of "Chizu Railway Company," a third-sector company that operates the 56.3-km Chizu Line between Kamigori on the Sanyo Main Line and Chizu on the Inbi Line.

Law on Emergency Special Measures for the Improvement of Management of Japan National Railways promulgated.

         Act on Special Measures to be urgently taken in fiscal 1986 to improve the management of business operated by Japan National Railways

          Purpose only, excerpt

 Article 1 This Act provides that in the fiscal year 1986, as emergency measures to be taken for the improvement of the operation of the business managed by the Japanese National Railways prescribed in Article 3 of the Act on Temporary Measures concerning Promotion of Reconstruction of the Business Operated by the Japanese National Railways (Act No. 50 of 1983), the Act on Special Measures for the Reduction of Debt Burden pertaining to Long-term Funds of the Japanese National Railways and special measures to promote the retirement of the employees of Japan National Railways shall be prescribed.

 Ordinance of the Ministry of Transport No. 19 Enforcement Regulations of the Act on Special Measures to be Urgently Taken in FY 1986 for the Improvement of Operation of Businesses Operated by the Japanese National Railways 5/30

 Meeting of heads of national general directorates and railroad management bureau chiefs held 5/31

         Hokuriku Railway Komatsu Line transportation operations terminated. 5/31



1986_ japanese national Railway era July

1986_ japanese national Railway era August

1986_ japanese national Railway era March